Planet of the Apes Wiki

The Chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) is one of the species of apes in the Planet of the Apes franchise. It is a species of ape that is native to Africa, alongside bonobos - to whom they are closely related - and gorillas. They seem to be the primary species of all apes within the Planet of the Apes franchise, and also the majority of the population, which is ironic because there are fewer than 300,000 wild chimpanzees in the world today. In the original Planet of the Apes film series chimpanzees were considered the intellectuals, scientists, doctors and citizens of the ape society.



  • Despite being portrayed as "Peaceful vegetarians" in the original movies, with gorillas being more violent, in real life chimps are highly aggressive. They readily snack on meat, commonly killing colobus monkeys or baby antelope for this purpose, and sometimes even baby chimps from their own group. They are also highly territorial. In contrast, gorillas are pure vegans and only attack when threatened.



Ape Biology I Chimpanzee

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